Clueless..but then again..
I am so clueless when it comes to "beautifying" my blog. I have spent the last hour and a half putting up the extra things that weren't there before e.g. links, clock, weather etc. And even then, it doesn't come anywhere near to what Mike or Danny or Alvin's blog looks like...sigh.. I guess I have a lot more to learn, and I'm sure the abovementioned people will agree :)
Anyhow, as I was putting up the links, I realised that many of my friends do indeed blog, especially those who I had never imagined would do so. Among them you'll find romantics, poets, musicians, narcissists :p etc. Anyhow, I want to say a big thank you to Caroline for all her tips in helping me to set it up. Sisterhood rocks! :)
And speaking of cluelessness, many people out there were clueless as to their meaning and purpose of life. Nevertheless, as the 4o Days of Purpose campaign is coming to a close, I just wonder how many folks out there have truly discovered their purpose, what on earth they were put here for. Indeed as this event nears its end, there are many blessings to thank God for. Discover Groups have been formed, new friendships have been made and old ones rekindled, loved ones have been saved. I do regret not being able to be more a part of it due to my being away most of the weeks. However, what I have been able to see invested in the lives of others is reward enough. This Sunday will be the grand celebration/PCC anniversary at Equatorial Hotel. Indeed, it will be a joyous occasion.
do i see blatant plagiarism here? :) re: trail ambience! :) my dear angeline, if u needed help, all you've to do is ask. :)
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